Mob Arena is a cooperative team game in which you choose one of 7 Classes to battle waves of mobs and bosses using powerful Spells and Abilities.
Equipment is provided for you in the form of Classes - you do not (and cannot) use your own gear.
Classes and Abilities
Classes are a core system to Mob Arena. Each class has a different play-style, and a different ability pool to choose from.
Abilities are special powers you can use to defeat mobs. Each class has a pool of 20 different abilities split evenly into 5 categories:
Basic Abilities
Secondary Abilities
Tertiary Abilities
Quaternary Abilities
Ultimate Abilities
For each game, you may choose one ability from each category to use as your loadout. Loadouts may be edited in the Mob Arena lobby by clicking on the class you wish to select.
Abilities may be upgraded, up to Level 7. Each upgrade roughly increases the ability's effectiveness by 10% of the previous level.
Upgrading an ability can be performed from the Ability Selection menu in the Mob Arena lobby, and costs Tokens and Ability EXP, neither of which exist as physical items.
Tokens are earned from each game of Mob Arena based on your personal performance. Post-game reward crates can also award some extra Tokens.
Ability EXP is earned only from post-game reward crates, and are tied to a specific ability (e.g. Fireball EXP). Your reward crate can only give EXP for the abilities you had in your loadout that game.
Upgrade Level | Token Cost | EXP Cost |
1 -> 2 | 250 | 200 |
2 -> 3 | 800 | 500 |
3 -> 4 | 2,500 | 1,000 |
4 -> 5 | 7,500 | 2,000 |
5 -> 6 | 25,000 | 4,000 |
6 -> 7 | 100,000 | 10,000 |
A tanky, robust melee class.
Armor: Full Iron (14 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Iron Sword
Secondary Weapon: Iron Axe
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Land a crippling blow to mobs in your
frontal arc, slowing them considerably.
Range: 5.0 blocks
Damage: 100.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Potency: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Perform a heavy attack, hitting all mobs
in a frontal cone, dealing heavy knockback.
You are knocked backwards by the recoil if
at least one mob is hit.
Damage and knockback fall off with distance.
Max Knockback: 1.3 (x1.1)
Max Damage: 140.0 (x1.1)%
Range: 6.0 blocks
Splash Falloff: 4 @ 25%
Cooldown: 9.0s
Whirlwind Axe
Perform a spin-attack with your axe,
striking nearby mobs. If one is present,
the original target is struck twice.
Damage: 110.0 (x1.1) %
Radius: 5.0 blocks
Splash Falloff: 4 @ 25%
Cooldown: 6.0s
Cleave mobs in a frontal arc, forcing them
to target you and reducing the chance that
they will change targets.
Damage: 90 (x1.1)%
Range: 4.0 (x1.1) blocks
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Cooldown: 4.0s
Raise your shield, reducing incoming damage
and deflecting some back onto the attacker.
You gain Rage for damage blocked.
Duration: 12.0 seconds
Reflect Amount: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Max Damage: 5.0 per reflected hit
Rage Gain: 10% of blocked incoming damage
Cooldown: 30.0s
Shield Smash
Bonk all entities in front of you with
your shield, sending them flying forwards.
Damage: 100 (x1.1)%
Smash Power: 1.57 (x1.1)
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 25%
Cooldown: 5.0s
Temporarily redirect all damage taken
by a player to yourself instead.
Redirected damage is slightly reduced
and converted to Rage, up to a limit.
Duration: 7.0 (x1.1) seconds
Damage Reduction: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Rage Gain: 3% per hit intercepted
Max Rage Gain: 20%
Cooldown: 30.0s
Hold and charge a massive boulder. When you
release the block key, you hurl it forward,
dealing splash damage in the impact location.
Damage: 250 (+15)%
Splash Radius: 3.0 blocks
Charge Rate: 70 (x1.1)% per second
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 12.0s
Leap into the air before crashing down
into the ground below, creating a seismic
shockwave that damages nearby mobs.
Sneaking while using this ability will
slam without leaping into the air first.
If you leap into the air first, Sunder
deals an extra 20% damage.
Damage: 230 (+13)%
Radius: 5.00 blocks
Knockback: 1.4 (x1.1)
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 12.0s
Body Slam
Throw yourself at your target.
Colliding with a mob will deal bonus
damage and create a shockwave damaging
other nearby mobs.
Damage: 150.0 (x1.1)%
Splash Radius: 2.0 blocks
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 25%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Protection Shield
Conjure a magical barrier that absorbs
damage. Stacks up to a maximum value.
Shield Value: 5.0 (x1.1)
Max Shield: 10.0 (x1.1)
Shield Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 9.0s
Upon receiving an enemy attack, it
and future attacks you receive will
heal instead of harm you.
Heal Amount: 100%
Duration: 4.0 seconds
Effect Duration: 0.70 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 20.0s
Bulk up your defense with incredible force,
reducing incoming damage significantly;
however, your damage and speed are reduced.
All mobs within 10 blocks will focus on you
as their target.
Cannot be used while Berserk is active.
Aggro Radius: 10 blocks
Resistance Potency: 35.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Potency: 70.0%
Weakness Potency: 50.0%
Duration: 15.0 seconds
Cooldown: 60.0s
Frighten nearby enemies, reducing their
speed and attack damage.
Continuous effect.
Radius: 10.0 blocks
Slow Potency: 15.0 (x1.1)%
Weakness Potency: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 18.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0s
Battle Cry
Inspire all nearby players to carry
on the fight, increasing damage dealt
while reducing damage taken.
Continuous effect.
Radius: 16.0 blocks
Damage Bonus: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Damage Reduction: 8.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 18.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0s
Wretched Strength
Upon falling to 15 health or lower,
you deal bonus damage for every
missing health point.
Bonus Damage: +6.00 (x1.1)% per missing health
Instantly break free of all negative
effects. Also extinguishes fire and
grants immunity from bad effects for
a short while afterwards.
Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 25.0s
Burst into a frenzied rage, gaining great
Speed. Both your damage dealt and damage
received are increased significantly.
Cannot be used while Tonk is active.
Speed Potency: 30.0 (x1.1)%
Damage Bonus: +45.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Damage Taken: +100%
Cooldown: 60.0s
Channel all your Rage to perform a deadly
charge directly forwards. Mobs in your way
take massive damage and knockback.
Damage: 135 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 30.0s
Summon a powerful shield that
significantly reduces damage taken.
Resistance: 80%
Duration: 9.0 (+0.6) seconds
Cooldown: 80.0s
A longranged and versatile sharpshooter.
Armor: Full Chainmail (10 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Bow
Secondary Weapon: Crossbow
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Soul Shot
Instantly fire an arrow at reduced
velocity that drains the target's
health upon impact.
Heal Amount: 30.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Fragmentation Shot
Instantly fire an incendiary arrow at reduced
velocity that creates a pool of fire upon impact,
burning mobs over time.
Radius: 4.0 (+0.3) blocks
Damage: 20 (x1.1)% per second
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 5.0s
Instantly fire a binding arrow at reduced
velocity that heavily slows nearby mobs.
Radius: 4 blocks
Slow: 40.0 (+3)%
Max Duration: 6.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 6.0s
Roped Arrow
Instantly fire an arrow with a rope
attached to it, pulling yourself in
when it lands. Upon pulling yourself
in, you gain Escapade, increasing
movement speed temporarily.
Pull Velocity: 2.40
Speed Duration: 15.0 seconds
Speed Potency: 28.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 7.0 (-0.3) seconds
Needle Strike
Scatter a volley of arrows at full speed.
Targets hit take increased damage.
Arrow Count: 14 (x1.1)
Vulnerability: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Damage: 20%
Effect Duration: 12.0 seconds
Additional Effect: +1 Pierce
Cooldown: 10.0s
Fire a shot that, upon hitting a
valid target, bounces between
nearby targets.
Chaining Radius: 6 blocks
Damage: 225.0 (+12.5)%
Max Targets: 7
Cooldown: 12.0s
Explosive Arrow
Fire a shot that explodes on impact,
dealing area damage to nearby mobs.
Radius: 8 blocks
Max Damage: 180.0 (+8)% (10 @ 25%)
Cooldown: 12.0s
Pin Down
Fire a heavy, piercing shot that
heavily slows mobs that it hits.
Damage: 170.0 (+7)%
Slow Potency: 30.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Duration: 4.00 (+0.25) seconds
Pierce: 10
Cooldown: 6.0s
Your bow scatters bursts of arrows
with every shot. The arrows do not
trigger invulnerability ticks and
deal reduced damage each.
Arrows charge 50% faster.
Works with Caroming, but does not
home in on targets after impact.
Scatter Count: 15
Damage per Arrow: 11.0 (+0.4)%
Additional Effect: +1 Pierce
Heavy Arrows
Your arrows are extra heavy, dealing
more damage. Shooting an arrow while not
sneaking will knock you back in recoil.
Damage: 115.0 (+1.5)%
Recoil: 0.28
Additional Effect: +2 Pierce
Homing Arrows
Hold a bow charged to take careful aim.
Fully charged shots cause arrows to
automatically seek out the closest target.
Homing Radius: 3.0 (+0.5) blocks
Additional Effect: +1 Pierce
Holding a bow charged powers the
arrow, dealing extra damage.
Max Damage: 350.0 (+25)%
Charge Time: 2.3s
Additional Effect: +1 Pierce
Fully concentrate on evasion, gaining Speed III.
While sprinting, damage taken is significantly
reduced. Agility ends if you left-click or draw
your bow. If Agility was ended early, effect
becomes Ferocity, increasing your damage dealt
for the rest of the ability duration.
Agility Resistance: 90%
Agility Duration: 7.0 (x1.1) seconds
Ferocity Damage Bonus: 16%
Ferocity Duration: 2x remaining Agility duration
Cooldown: 30.0s
Arrow Rain
Rain a storm of arrows at your target
location, damaging and slowing mobs.
Effect Radius: 7 blocks
Arrow Damage: 40.0 (x1.1)%
Max Range: 16.0 blocks
Slow Potency: 15.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Duration: 4.0 (+0.3) seconds
Cooldown: 20.0s
Grants several stacks of Barrage, which
doubles each shot fired, consuming stacks
with each effect:
- Normal arrow shot: 1 stack
- Basic ability: 2 stacks
- Secondary ability: 4 stacks
Ultimate abilities do not affect, and
are not affected by Barrage.
Barrage Stacks: 14
Duration: 32.0 seconds
2nd Shot Damage: 60.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 40.0s
Planted Feet
Focus on staying fully grounded, reducing your
speed significantly, but also reducing damage
taken and increasing damage dealt.
Your arrows deal increased damage for each block
of distance between you and your target.
While you are on the ground, all pull, knockback,
fetch, and shuffle effects are prevented.
Using the ability again while active will
deactivate the effect.
Speed Penalty: 50.0 (-2.5)%
Damage Increase: 8.0 (x1.1)%
Longshot Bonus: 0.3% per block
Max Longshot Bonus: 20%
Damage Resistance: 8.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 60.0s
Instantly break free of all negative
effects. Also extinguishes fire and
grants immunity from bad effects for
a short while afterwards.
Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 25.0s
Your arrows gain extra pierce based
on your current Rage. Arrows bounce
between targets after hitting the
initial target, though any bonus
damage effects (not base damage)
are reduced with each bounce.
+1 Pierce: 55 (-5)% Rage
+2 Pierce: 100 (-5)% Rage
Homing Radius: 4.0 (+0.25) blocks
Bonus Damage Reduction: -25.0%
Your next shot will unload a massive
hail of arrows, ending early if you
stop holding a bow. Arrows do not
trigger i-frames, but have diminishing
returns on consecutive hits.
Ability Duration: 3.00 (x1.1) seconds
Arrow Damage: 100%
Dimish Threshold: 1 @ -12%
Cooldown: 60.0s
Descent of Dragons
Your next shot will launch 2 explosive
bolts of flame that burst on impact, each
dealing damage based on your weapon and
leaving a burning pool of fire.
Explosion Damage: 40 (x1.1)% 8 @ 25%
Burn Damage: 15 (x1.1)% per second for 10s
Burn Radius: 8 blocks
Burn Splash Falloff: 8 @ 25%
Cooldown: 60.0s
A magical class that specializes in splash damage.
Armor: Full Leather (9 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Wand
Secondary Weapon: Orb
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Air Strike
A weak magic missile that inflicts
extra knockback with a larger
splash radius.
Knockback Strength: 0.65 (x1.1)
Radius: 3.5 blocks
Damage: 2.0 (x1.1)
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 50%
Cooldown: 0.9s
Water Surge
A standard magic missile that slows targets.
Deals +20% damage to Nether mobs.
Damage: 2.2 (x1.1)
Slow: 10.0 (x1.1)% for 3s
Radius: 2.7 blocks
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 50%
Cooldown: 0.9s
Fire Blast
A strong magic missile that ignites mobs.
Deals +20% damage to Arthropods/Creepers,
but -40% damage to fire-immune mobs.
Burn Duration: 3 (x1.1)s
Radius: 2.7 blocks
Damage: 2.5 (x1.1)
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 50%
Cooldown: 0.9s
Thunder Shock
A very weak electric current that
chains between multiple enemies,
briefly slowing them.
Range: 12.0 (+0.5) blocks
Damage: 1.0 (x1.1)
Max Targets: 10
Chaining Radius: 4 blocks
Cooldown: 0.5s
Conjure a large fireball that knocks
targets away from the impact zone,
inflicting burn damage over time.
Knockback Strength: 1.10 (+0.05)
Damage: 4.0 (x1.1)
Burn Damage: 0.8 (x1.1)/s for 10s
Radius: 5 blocks
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 5.0s
Conjure an arc of lightning
that deals more damage the
further the arc travels,
with small splash damage.
Base Damage: 2
Bonus Damage: +0.30 (x1.1) per block
Max Bonus: +15.0
Splash Radius: 2 blocks
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 25%
Cooldown: 3.5s
Launch a ball of plasma that
deals damage instantly before
spreading to nearby targets,
reducing damage by a percent
of the base damage each time.
Base Damage: 8.0 (x1.1)
Damage Reduction: 14.0 (0)% per spread
Max Targets: 6 (x1.1)
Cooldown: 9.0s
Storm Shard
Fire a magic missile that splashes in a
cone behind hit target.
With each consecutive hit, Storm Shard
deals more damage; but with a single miss,
the damage bonus is reset back to zero.
Damage: 1.0
Damage Increase: +6.0 (x1.1) per hit
Max Stacks: 4 (24.0 (x1.1) damage)
Range: 4.0 blocks
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 25%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Arcane Flash
Generate a large burst of energy at
your location, dealing damage and
inflicting tremendous knockback to
nearby enemies.
Max Damage: 6.0 (x1.1)
Knockback Intensity: 2.8 (x1.1)
Range: 12 blocks
Cooldown: 9.0s
Summon a torrent of water drops to
rain on the location you point at.
Each droplet deals area damage and
inflicts slowness on mobs.
Deals +30% damage to nether mobs.
Droplet Count: 30 (x1.1)
Droplet Damage: 2.00 (x1.1)
Slow: 25.0 (x1.1)% for 5s
Splash Falloff: 3 @ 25%
Cooldown: 6.0s
Sky Ray
Summon a searing beam of light from
the sky aimed at your target block,
damaging nearby enemies.
Deals 30% extra damage to undead.
Damage: 8.0 (x1.1)
Radius: 4.5 blocks
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Thunder Storm
Conjure a thunderstorm over the targeted
location, causing several bolts of light-
ning to strike over a very large radius.
Each bolt damages and briefly slows mobs
near its impact zone.
Lightning Count: 14.0 (x1.1)
Target Radius: 12 blocks
Damage: 8.0 (x1.1)
Splash Radius: 2.5 blocks
Cooldown: 9.0s
Arcane Bomb
Concentrate a massive burst of magical
energy at the target location, taking
considerable time to cast. Moving during
the cast time will cancel the cast.
Damage: 21.0 (x1.1)
Radius: 7.0 (0) blocks
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Splash Falloff: 20 @ 25%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Arcane Arrow
Instantly fire a pulse of arcane
energy that pierces through mobs.
Damage: 5.00 (x1.1)
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 25%
Blood Barrage
A life-leeching spell that deals
area damage, healing you by a
percent of the total damage dealt.
Damage: 5.0 (x1.1)
Radius: 4 blocks
Heal Amount: 20% of damage, up to 8 health
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 9.0s
Conjure a spinning vortex of air over
the targeted area. Nearby mobs are
damaged and pulled towards the center.
Radius: 5 blocks
Damage: 0.5 (x1.1) per second
Duration: 1.5 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 12.0s
Instantly break free of all negative
effects. Also extinguishes fire and
grants immunity from bad effects for
a short while afterwards.
Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 25.0s
The Big Zap
Charge up an immense amount of
electrical energy, unleashing
it all at once. The resulting
current will chain between mobs,
dealing very heavy damage.
When the effect expires, a pulse
of electricity stuns nearby mobs.
Max Targets: 10
Damage: 25.0 (x1.1)
Chaining Radius: 8 blocks
Stun Radius: 8 blocks
Stun Damage: 5.0 (x1.1)
Stun Duration: 0.5s
Cooldown: 45.0s
Concentrate deeply on your magic,
temporarily decreasing all ability
cooldowns significantly.
Cooldown Reduction: 22 (x1.1)%
Duration: 20 seconds
Channel surging waves of energy directly
in front of you. Each subsequent wave
deals 20% more damage than the previous,
draining 25% of your Rage bar. No Rage
can be gained while Onslaught is active.
Inflicts Slowness proportional to damage.
If you run out of Rage, the ability will
start to take parts of you as payment, and
your healing effects will be reduced.
Switching off of your weapon will end the
ability immediately.
Base Damage: 9.0 (x1.1)
Splash Radius: 2.5 blocks
Cooldown: 60.0s
A support class specializing in buffs and health restoration.
Armor: Full Gold (10 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Gold Sword
Secondary Weapon: Gold Axe
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Heals and removes most negative effects
from a target player, also negating further
effects for a short while afterwards.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Heal Amount: 0.4 (x1.1)
Effect Negation: 2.0 (x1.1) seconds
Range: 6.0
Blood Capsule Chance: 13%
Cooldown: 4.0s
Heals the player you're looking at.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Heal Amount: 0.85 (x1.1)
Range: 10.0
Blood Capsule Chance: 10%
Cooldown: 3.0s
Attacking mobs creates a pulse of
restoration that heals nearby players.
Heal Amount: 0.2 (x1.1)
Heal Radius: 12.0 blocks
Your attacks inflict Corruption on targets,
dealing damage over time and increasing the
target's damage taken.
Attacking a Corrupted target spreads the
effect to nearby mobs.
Corruption Damage: 12.0 (x1.1)% per second
Corruption Duration: 9.0 (x1.1) seconds
Corruption Vuln: 5.0 (x1.1)%
Spread Radius: 5.0 blocks
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 50%
Cooldown: 2.0 (0) seconds
Cleansing Orb
Launch several orbs of cleansing which
heal and clear negative effects from
players hit. Further negates effects
for a short while afterwards.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Orb Count: 6
Heal Amount: 0.28 (x1.1)
Effect Negation: 2.0 (x1.1) seconds
Blood Capsule Chance: 4% per orb
Cooldown: 9.0s
Life Bond
Conjure a Life Bond that heals players.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Heal Amount: 1.2 (x1.1)
Blood Capsule Chance: 15%
Cooldown: 3.0s
Healing Orb
Conjure an Orb of Healing that applies a regen
effect to hit players. Effect does not stack.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Regen: 0.3 (x1.1) per second
Duration: 16.0 seconds
Blood Capsule Chance: 28%
Cooldown: 9.0s
Energy Beacon
Create a Power Crystal that buffs nearby allies,
increasing their damage, speed, and cooldown rate.
You may only have one Energy Beacon active at a time.
Energy Beacon expires immediately if you die.
Radius: 11 blocks
Damage Bonus: 6.0 (x1.1)%
Speed Bonus: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown Reduction: 0.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 2000.0 seconds
Heal Bolt
Conjure a beam of healing that heals all
allies within the impact zone.
Radius: 4.0 blocks
Heal Amount: 0.6 (x1.1)
Cooldown: 4.0s
Conjure a beam of regeneration that
applies a heal-over-time effect to
players within its impact zone.
Effect Radius: 5.0 blocks
Regen Amount: 0.15 (x1.1) per second
Regen Duration: 12.0 seconds
Max Targets: 10
Cooldown: 7.0s
Frost Bolt
Conjure a chilling beam that temporarily
freezes mobs within its impact zone.
Radius: 4.0 blocks
Damage: 40.0 (x1.1)% [3 @ 25%]
Freeze Duration: 2.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 3.0s
Signal Beam
Conjure a beam that marks mobs near
the impact zone, temporarily increasing
the damage they take.
Vulnerability: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Radius: 6.0 blocks
Duration: 10.0 seconds
Cooldown: 12.0s
Frost Aura
You elude a permanent chilling aura. Nearby allies
take reduced damage, while nearby enemies are slowed.
Effect does not stack.
When a mob is killed inside your aura, you have a 8%
chance to be granted a Charge. Swap Main and Off-hand
items to activate Frost Pulse, costing 1 Charge while
damaging and freezing nearby enemies, and giving
nearby allies an additional Resistance effect.
Resistance: 6.0 (x1.1)%
Mob Slow: 15.0 (x1.1)%
Frost Pulse Damage: 50.0 (x1.1)% (8 @ 25%)
Frost Pulse Freeze Duration: 5s
Frost Pulse Resistance: 6.0 (x1.1)% for 3s
Max Charges: 2
Radius: 9.5 (0) blocks
Heal Group
Instantly restore the health of nearby allies.
Heal Amount: 1.4 (x1.1)
Range: 10.0 blocks
Cooldown: 12.0s
Shield Dome
Conjure a protective barrier that heals and
reduces damage taken by nearby allies.
Effect does not stack.
Radius: 10.0 blocks
Regen: 0.15 (x1.1) per second
Damage Reduction: 15 (x1.1)%
Duration: 18.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0s
Blood Capsules
Allows the charging and storage of blood
capsules. Swap Main and Off-hand items to
use a capsule, healing all nearby allies.
You slowly accumulate capsules over time,
and have a chance to instantly gain one
when successfully landing a single-target
healing ability on another player.
Heal Amount: 0.7 (x1.1)
Range: 9.0 blocks
Usage Cost: 1 Capsule
Charge Rate: 1 Capsule per 40.0s
Max Charges: 2
Guardian Angel
Unleash a powerful aura of protection
that significantly reduces damage taken
by nearby allies.
Radius: 15.0 blocks
Resistance: 80%
Duration: 8.0 (+0.5) seconds
Cooldown: 120.0s
Call upon the power of the skies to
cast a brilliant ring of sunlight around
you. Allies within the ring receive
Regen, Resistance, and Fire Resistance.
Radius: 15.0 blocks
Heal Amount: 0.3 (x1.1) per second
Resistance Potency: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Cooldown: 120.0s
Summon a circle of resurrection at your
current location, creating a giant burst
of pure life energy to resurrect a dead
ally. If no allies are dead, the player
with the least health (excluding yourself)
will be fully healed.
Resurrected allies spawn with an unclearable
Weakness effect.
Casting is interrupted if you move out of
the circle, attack, or switch weapons.
Circle Radius: 3.5 blocks
Weakness Duration: 180 (-10) seconds
Cast Time: 10.0 (-0.5) seconds
Cooldown: 90.0 (-3) seconds
Angel of Death
Exude a paradoxic aura of darkened light, slowing
and increasing the damage taken by nearby mobs,
while increasing the healing received by self
and nearby players.
Radius: 10.0 blocks
Slow: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Damage Increase: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Healing Increase: 5.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 120.0s
A lightly armored, speedy glass cannon.
Armor: Full Leather (7 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Diamond Sword (9 base damage)
Secondary Weapon: Diamond Axe (9 base damage)
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Instantly dash towards the weakest
target in a frontal cone, dealing
bonus damage.
If the attack kills the target,
this ability cools down instantly.
Range: 9.0 (+0.5) blocks
Damage: 100.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Perform an arching swipe attack,
striking mobs in a frontal cone.
Damage: 35.0 (x1.1)%
Range: 4.5 blocks
Splash Falloff: 5 @ 25%
Cooldown: 2.5s
Attacking from behind an opponent
deals extra damage.
Bonus Damage: 40.0 (x1.1)%
Leech your target's life, healing you
by a percentage of the damage dealt.
If this ability kills the target, you
heal by 2x that amount.
Heal Amount: 25.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 7.0s
Instantly disconnect from your current
target, dealing damage and leaping
backwards with significant force.
Upon successfully hitting your target:
Using this ability again within 1.5s
will Re-engage back to the target.
Leap Velocity: 1.05 (+0.07)
Disengage Damage: 70.0 (x1.1)%
Re-engage Damage: 140.0 (x1.1)%
Re-engage Range: 20 blocks
Cooldown: 6.0s
Throw a fiery explosive that deals
area damage in a small range.
Radius: 5 blocks
Damage: 140.0 (x1.1)%
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Cooldown: 8.0s
Throw several shurikens in rapid
succession with small spread.
Shurikens reset i-frames.
Damage: 25.0 (x1.1)% per shuriken
Shuriken Amount: 7
Cooldown: 7.0s
Prepare to evade an incoming attack. If you
receive an attack within the Evade Window,
the damage taken is reduced by 50%. If the
attack is received within the Perfect Window,
all damage and effects are negative, and
Evade's cooldown is reduced to 2.1s.
Sneaking while Evading will also cause you to
leap backwards upon successful activation.
Evade is immediately cancelled if you attack.
Evade Window: 2.40 (+0.15) seconds
Perfect Window: 0.70 (+0.05) seconds
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Use your awesome Ninja skills
to gracefully leap forward.
Surging with your back against
a wall will use Wall Jump,
which has no cooldown.
Leap Velocity: 1.30 (+0.1)
Instantly teleport several blocks
in the direction you are facing.
You automatically gain charges over
time, with one charge used per dash.
Max Distance: 8 blocks
Max Charges: 5 (x1.1)
Recharge Rate: 1 charge per 6.0 (-0.2) seconds
Blade Dash
Perform a bladed dash forwards,
damaging mobs you pass through.
You automatically gain charges over
time, with one charge used per dash.
Damage: 110.0 (x1.1)%
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Max Distance: 7.0 blocks
Max Charges: 4.0
Recharge Rate: 1 charge per 9.00 (-0.25) seconds
Instantly teleport to the location you
are looking at, slowing nearby mobs.
Using the ability again within 8 seconds
will de-blink, returning you back to your
original location and restoring some
health lost since blinking.
Blinking more than 10 blocks away will
cause mobs to lose you as a target.
Slow: 30.0% for 6s
Max Health Recovery: 5.0 (x1.1)
Cooldown: 18.0 (-0.5) seconds
Max Range: 25 (x1.1) blocks
Flash Bomb
Throw a shocking explosive that stuns
nearby mobs, significantly reducing
their movement speed.
Radius: 5 blocks
Damage: 90.0 (x1.1)%
Slow Potency: 40%
Slow Duration: 4.0 (x1.1) seconds
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Cooldown: 6.0s
Concentrate your rage into healing
your wounds, restoring some health
after a short charge time.
Taking damage during the charge time
will disrupt the ability.
Health Recovery: 4.0 (x1.1)
Charge Time: 2.5 seconds
Cooldown: 9.0s
Perform a flurry of 7 strikes against
mobs around you over 1.5 seconds.
Damage: 22 (x1.1)% per strike
Range: 6 blocks
Splash Falloff: 10 @ 25%
Cooldown: 14.0s
After taking damage from an opponent, you
receive a chance to gain back lost health
by dealing melee damage within a short time
window. After this window passes, the health
is no longer recoverable.
Taking additional damage with redemptable
health in the reservior will decrease the
amount in reservior.
Time Window: 6.00 (+0.25) seconds
Heal: 20 (x1.1)% of damage dealt
Max Health Regain: 2 (x1.1) per second
Reservior Decrease: 15%
Instantly break free of all negative
effects. Also extinguishes fire and
grants immunity from bad effects for
a short while afterwards.
Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 25.0s
Blade Storm
Unleash your sword's full potential,
performing a series of 18 strikes over
3.5 seconds. Each strike has 360 degree
Damage: 11.0 (x1.1)% per strike
Range: 10.0 (+0.5) blocks
Splash Falloff: 30 @ 25%
Cooldown: 45.0s
Unleash your hidden power, increasing speed
and damage, while increasing damage taken.
Effect on ranged abilities is greatly reduced.
This ability can be stacked up to 3 times.
Using Overdrive while sneaking will refresh
the duration without adding a stack.
Duration: 60.0 seconds
Melee Damage: +20.0 (x1.1)%
Ranged Damage: +5.0 (x1.1)%
Speed: +5.0 (x1.1)%
Damage Taken: +20%
Cooldown: 1.0s
Smoke Bomb
Vanish into the shadows, gaining regeneration
and becoming hidden from mobs for a short while.
Attacking or using an ability during this time
causes the effect to instantly expire.
Regen Potency: 0.9 (x1.1) per second
Effect Duration: 8.0 seconds
Cooldown: 45.0s
A master of the outdoors that calls upon wolves to join in the battle.
Armor: Chainmail and Iron (9 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Stone Sword
Secondary Weapon: Stone Axe
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Command your wolves to perform a
sweeping attack, damaging mobs in
a frontal cone.
Consecutive hits on the same mob
have diminishing returns.
Damage: 35.0 (x1.1)%
Range: 4.0 blocks
Max Targets: 5
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Cooldown: 4.0s
Command your wolves to instantly
leap forward. Colliding with a mob
deals damage.
Consecutive hits on the same mob
have diminishing returns.
Damage: 85.0 (x1.1)%
Leap Velocity: 1.40 (+0.07)
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Cooldown: 4.0s
Command your wolves to attack, causing
each one to inflict a stackable Bleed
on its current target.
Bleed Damage: 9.0 (x1.1)% per bleed tick
Bleed Duration: +4.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 9.0s
Wolf Toss
Instantly summon some wolves, throwing
them directly forward and dealing damage
upon colliding with a mob.
Damage: 100%
Summon Amount: 1.5 (0) wolves
Wolf Lifetime: 35.0 seconds
Max Starting Level: 10 (+3)
Cooldown: 9.0s
Encourage nearby wolves to send out Good
Vibes, healing nearby allies. Consecutive
hits on the same ally have diminishing
Max Heal Amount: 1.0 (x1.1)
Heal Radius: 4 blocks
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Cooldown: 18.0s
Command your wolves to perform a
whirling attack, dealing damage
to nearby mobs.
Consecutive hits on the same mob
have diminishing returns.
Damage: 100.0 (x1.1)%
Radius: 3.5 blocks
Max Targets: 7
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Cooldown: 12.0s
Rally your wolves, temporarily boosting
their attack damage and movement speed.
Damage Increase: +20.0 (x1.1)%
Speed Increase: 30 (x1.1)%
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0s
Call of the Wild
Summon temporary wolves to your aid.
Summoned wolves can be killed and will
disappear after a set amount of time.
Wolves spawn at a level equal to half
the current wave number, up to a cap.
Inflicts Nature's Silence when used,
preventing activation of Call of the
Wild for the cooldown duration.
Summon Amount: 2 (x1.1) wolves
Wolf Lifetime: 35.0 seconds
Max Starting Level: 10 (+3)
Tree Shield
Instantly construct a wall made of
wood directly in front of you.
When the effect expires, summons
temporary wolves.
Duration: 10.0 (0) seconds
Summon Amount: 3 (x1.1) wolves
Wolf Lifetime: 35.0 seconds
Max Starting Level: 10 (+3)
Cooldown: 15.0s
Lob your axe directly in front of
of you, dealing splash damage.
Damage: 110 (x1.1)%
Radius: 2.5 blocks
Splash Falloff: 1 @ 50%
Cooldown: 1.0s
Shinobi Tactics
Call on your wolves to unleash their
ninja potential, causing them to deal
significantly more damage.
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Damage Increase: 40.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown: 30.0s
Call of the Wild II
Summon temporary wolves to your aid.
Summoned wolves can be killed and will
disappear after a set amount of time.
Wolves spawn at a level equal to half
the current wave number, up to a cap.
Inflicts Nature's Silence when used,
preventing activation of Call of the
Wild for the cooldown duration.
Summon Amount: 2 (x1.1) wolves
Wolf Lifetime: 35.0 seconds
Max Starting Level: 10 (+3)
Your wolves temporarily heal by their
damage dealt. If they are full health,
you are healed instead.
Wolf Heal: 50 (x1.1)%
Player Heal: 10 (x1.1)%
Duration: 25.0 seconds
Cooldown: 60.0s
Quick Strike
Command your wolves to perform an
instant attack, which immediately
damages their current targets.
Consecutive hits on the same mob
have diminishing returns.
Damage: 90.0 (x1.1)%
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Command your wolves to growl menacingly,
reducing the damage dealt and increasing
the damage taken by nearby mobs.
Effect does not stack.
Radius: 4.0 blocks
Weakness: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Vulnerability: 7.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 15.0 seconds
Command Range: 25.0 blocks
Cooldown: 30.0s
Summon A Shit Ton Of Wolves
Call upon a massive swarm of wolves to
come to your aid.
Summoned wolves can be killed and will
disappear after a set amount of time.
Wolves spawn at a level equal to half
the current wave number, up to a cap.
Summon Amount: 14.0 (x1.1) wolves
Wolf Lifetime: 35.0 seconds
Max Starting Level: 10 (+4)
Cooldown: 60.0s
Instantly break free of all negative
effects. Also extinguishes fire and
grants immunity from bad effects for
a short while afterwards.
Duration: 5.0 (x1.1) seconds
Cooldown: 25.0s
Instantly combine all your temporary
wolves into one powerful wolf.
The powerful wolf will be the combined
modified levels of all fused wolves.
Max Level: 400 (+20)
Level Modifier: 60 (x1.1)%
Wolf Lifetime: 60.0 seconds
Cooldown: 90.0s
Saving Grace
Your wolves become extra resilient.
Permanent wolves that die lose less levels,
while summoned temporary wolves last longer.
Level Loss: -70 (-5)%
Wolf Duration: +10 (x1.1) seconds
Heart of the Pack
You become a beacon of strength for your
wolves, rendering them invulnerable and
increasing damage dealt temporarily.
Damage Increase: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 9.0 (+0.5) seconds
Cooldown: 30.0s
A spoony support class that specializes in buffing their team.
Armor: Gold and Leather (9 armor points)
Primary Weapon: Lute
Secondary Weapon: Violin
View Ability Pool
Icon | Ability | Type | Description |
Instantly play five notes forward
with mild spread.
Damage: 60.0 (x1.1)% per note
Range: 16.0 blocks
Cooldown: 0.9s
Instantly play a beam of sound
that damages a single target.
Damage: 200.0 (x1.1)%
Range: 16.0 blocks
Cooldown: 0.9s
Sing a song of encouragement to a player,
increasing their damage and healing dealt.
If no player is targeted, picks a random
nearby player to buff. Aim straight down
to target yourself.
Damage Bonus: 8.0 (x1.1)%
Healing Bonus: 4.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 12.0 seconds
Range: 16 blocks
Cooldown: 4.0s
Sing a soothing melody, healing and shielding
a single targeted player.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Heal Amount: 0.5 (x1.1)
Shield Amount: 1.0 (x1.1)
Max Shield: 2.0 (x1.1)
Shield Duration: 30 seconds
Range: 16 blocks
Cooldown: 2.5s
Unleash annoying sounds in a frontal cone,
dealing damage to affected mobs.
Damage: 120.0 (x1.1)%
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 25%
Range: 16.0 blocks
Cooldown: 3.0s
Violent vibration inflict damage
over time to nearby mobs. Stacks
with Vibrato from other Bards.
Damage: 40.0 (x1.1)% per second
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Splash Falloff: 8 @ 25%
Radius: 9.0 blocks
Cooldown: 7.0s
Shield Samba
Sing a defensive tune that heals and
shields nearby players.
Shield Amount: 1.2 (x1.1)
Max Shield: 3.0 (x1.1)
Shield Duration: 30 seconds
Splash Falloff: 2 @ 50%
Range: 8.0 blocks
Cooldown: 5.0s
Song of Solace
[Performance] Perform a peaceful melody, gradually
restoring the health of self and nearby allies
while increasing the strength of healing effects.
Cancels any previously-active Performances.
Regen: 0.3 (x1.1) per second
Heal Bonus: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Radius: 20.0 blocks
Cooldown: 70.0s
Sing a stoutful tune that reduces damage
taken by self and nearby allies.
Damage Reduction: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 15.0 seconds
Radius: 15.0 blocks
Cooldown: 30.0s
Subito Piano
Significantly slows and weakens nearby enemies.
Weakness: 25.0 (x1.1)%
Slow: 15.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 15.0 seconds
Radius: 12.0 blocks
Cooldown: 40.0s
Ballad of Freedom
[Performance] Perform an energizing melody, increasing
speed and decreasing cooldowns of nearby allies.
Cancels any previously-active Performances.
Speed Increase: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown Reduction: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Radius: 20.0 blocks
Ballad of War
[Performance] Perform a rousing melody, increasing
damage and healing dealt by nearby allies.
Cancels any previously-active Performances.
Damage Increase: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Heal Increase: 5.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Radius: 20.0 blocks
Cooldown: 70.0s
Increases the effectiveness of your next ability.
Cooldown varies based on the ability used:
Basic: reduced by 90%
Secondary: reduced by 60%
Tertiary: not reduced
Ultimate: not reduced
Effect Increase: 40.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 12.0 seconds
Significantly increases speed and decreases
cooldowns for all nearby players.
Continuous effect.
Speed Increase: 25.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown Reduction: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 20.0 seconds
Radius: 15.0 blocks
Gold Shanty
[Performance] Perform song about glorious
treasure, inspiring seld and nearby players
to find more money upon defeating enemies.
No effect on bosses.
Cancels any previously-active Performances.
Money Increase: 25.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Radius: 20.0 blocks
Cooldown: 70.0s
Mob's Requiem
[Performance] Perform an pre-emptive funeral song
for nearby mobs, increasing their damage taken
and reducing their movement speed.
Cancels any previously-active Performances.
Vulnerability: 12.0 (x1.1)%
Slow: 10.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Radius: 20.0 blocks
Cooldown: 70.0s
Extinguishes and clears all negative effects from
self and nearby players. Affected players are immune
to bad effects for a short while afterwards.
Duration: 3.0 (x1.1) seconds
Radius: 9.0 (+0.5) blocks
Cooldown: 30.0s
Temporarily increases the effectiveness of
all your Perform, Sing, and damage abilities.
While active, your performances affect all
players regardless of distance.
Performance Bonus: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Damage Bonus: 35.0 (x1.1)%
Duration: 40.0 seconds
Cooldown: 120.0s
Significantly increases the damage, heal potency,
and speed of a target player. Additionally reduces
their ability cooldowns.
Aim straight down to target yourself.
Damage Increase: 30.0 (x1.1)%
Heal Increase: 25.0 (x1.1)%
Speed Increase: 20.0 (x1.1)%
Cooldown Reduction: 20.0%
Duration: 25.0 seconds
Range: 24 blocks
Sing a passionate, solem song in memory of a dead
player. So passionately, in fact, that they come
back to life when the song finishes, albeit with an
unclearable weakness effect. You are slowed, silenced,
and take extra damage while singing this song.
Cancels any currently-active Performances.
Slow Potency: 70.0%
Vulnerability: 100.0%
Weakness Duration: 180 (-10) seconds
Song Duration: 15.0 (-0.5) seconds
Cooldown: 120.0s
The basic goal of the game is to slay mobs and survive as long as possible. Each arena does have an end, but depending on your Difficulty selection and player skill, you may or may not get to it. Dying is not permanent, as there are several ways to get resurrected:
Ways to get Resurrected
Upon getting resurrected by a class ability, such as Genesis or Monody, you will gain a temporary, but unclearable Weakness effect. On your first resurrection, you receive Brush with Death, which reduces your damage and healing ability potency by 25%. This debuff becomes Death's Door, which reduces your damage and healing ability potency by 50%, if you die again while Brush with Death or Death's Door is active.
When all players die, you will get an option to continue. Accepting the continue will place you back on the wave you died on, refund all consumables (spells, bandages) used that wave, and grant a cash bonus of $4,000 split among all players, or $500 each, whichever is greater. All players will also receive permanent potion effects for the remainder of the game. However, that wave will not contribute to your score, and future score and rewards earned from that point onwards will be reduced by 25% each time, stacking with the number of continues used.
Continues | Strength | Resistance | Regen | Rewards |
1 | - | I (1) | - | 0.75x |
2 | I (1) | I (1) | I (1) | 0.56x |
3 | II (2) | I (1) | II (2) | 0.42x |
4 | IV (4) | II (2) | II (2) | 0.32x |
5 | VI (6) | II (2) | III (3) | 0.24x |
6 | VIII (8) | III (3) | III (3) | 0.18x |
7 | XI (11) | III (3) | IV (4) | 0.13x |
8 | XIV (14) | IV (4) | IV (4) | 0.1x |
9 | XVII (27) | IV (4) | V (5) | 0.08x |
10+ | XX (20) | IV (4) | VI (6) | 0.06x |
You can select one of several difficulties when playing a Mob Arena. Note that lower difficulty indirectly reduces rewards since there's overall less mobs to kill, and they have lower health.
Difficulty | Description |
I Am God
• Players take 100% less damage
• Mobs take 200% more damage
• Mob difficulty scales Rapidly
• You earn 100% less Tokens |
• Players take 80% less damage
• Mob difficulty does not scale
• 50% less mobs spawn per wave
• Mobs drop 300% more money
• Bosses have 70% less health
• Boss abilities give 50% more warning
• You earn 80% less Tokens |
• Players take 40% less damage
• Mob difficulty scales Very Slowly
• 25% less mobs spawn per wave
• Mobs drop 100% more money
• Bosses have 40% less health
• Boss abilities give 50% more warning
• You earn 10% less Tokens |
• Players take 20% less damage
• Mob difficulty scales Fairly Slowly
• Mobs drop 50% more money
• Bosses have 15% less health |
• Players do not take reduced damage
• Mob difficulty scales Decently
• 10% more mobs spawn per wave
• Mobs drop 15% more money
• Boss abilities give 25% less warning
• You earn 10% more Tokens
• Upgrades are reduced |
• Players do not take reduced damage
• Mob difficulty scales Rapidly
• 25% more mobs spawn per wave
• Mobs do not drop extra money
• Boss abilities give 35% less warning
• You earn 25% more Tokens
• Upgrades are reduced |
• Players take 100% more damage
• Mobs take 50% less damage
• Mob difficulty scales Extremely Rapidly
• 25% more mobs spawn per wave
• Bosses use abilities twice as fast
• Boss abilities give 50% less warning
• Mobs drop 50% less money
• You earn 100% more Tokens
• Upgrades are reduced |
Hall of Glass
• Players take 3000% more damage
• Mobs take 1000% more damage
• Mob difficulty scales Rapidly
• Mobs do not drop extra money
• Boss abilities give 25% less warning
• You earn 15% more Tokens
• Upgrades are reduced |
Wave Types

The stockpile can be accessed by right-clicking with the chest on your hotbar.
You can share items and money with your team through this interface.
Dying with spells in your inventory will deposit all of them into the stockpile if there's space (or drop them on the ground otherwise).
However, money and bandages will NOT be deposited automatically on death.
Mob Arena Shop

Enemies drop money upon being killed. Money collected does NOT persist between games, and can be spent in the in-game shop accessible by right-clicking the book on your hotbar. Note that the prices can change per arena; listed below are the default prices.
Item | Cost | Description |
Bandages | $80 | Instantly heals 6 health |
Super Antidote | $350 | Gives bad effect immunity for 90s |
Super Restore | $240 | Heals 20 health and cures bad effects |
Spell of Striking | $60 | Summons lighting where you're aiming.\Damage: 24\Range: 1.5 blocks\Special: brief stun |
Spell of Flaming Impact | $240 | Launches a fireball where you're aiming.\Damage: 15-30\Range: 5 blocks |
Tome of Upgrades | $1,000 | Upgrades either your armor or weapons (your choice). |
Soul Phylactery | $1,500 | Appears in your inventory after death, and can be used to instantly resurrect yourself. Does not work if you were the last one alive |
Spell of Equilibrium | $280 | Instantly averages the health of all living players |
Spell of Forfeiture | $1,000 | Halves the health of all enemies and players. Does maximum of 300 damage to bosses |
Spell of Rage | $1,500 | All living players gain 15% rage per second for 10s |
Spell of Shielding | $2,000 | Adds 50 points of Shield to all living players for 60s |
Spell of Resurrection | $3,000 | Revives all dead teammates and fully heals living ones. Clears the Weakness effect from all players. Resurrected teammates do not get Weakness |
Potion of Night Vision | $25 | Lets you see in the dark |
Ending a Mob Arena will award a Loot Crate if you've earned at least 50 value.
Everyone's loot crate will have the same base value, which is an average of your team's performance. The following game actions affect rewards, in order of importance:
Non-trivial damage dealt
Non-trivial health healed through Abilities
Wave Reached
Mob Killcount
Non-trivial actions refer to actions that actually contribute to the fight. For instance, waiting for mobs to naturally regen, then hitting them is considered trivial damage, and will not contribute to score. Similarly, healing someone who is at full health, or purposefully stalling the round to take more damage is considered trivial healing, and will not contribute to score.
Each crate can also have a random multiplier depending on what type it is:
Crate Type | Chance | Reward Multiplier |
Old | default | x1.0 |
Normal | ~1/4 | x1.25 |
Intricate | ~1/20 | x1.5 |
Occult | ~1/50 | x2.0 |
Rewards include Enchanting EXP, Tokens, Ability EXP, and Rare Items.